Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sincerity, Devotion, Loyality, and Truthfulness, four words that this blog can get a prize for , for being used the maximum number of times. And I am one of those fortunate people, who have heard these words from a person who is a perfect pure combination of all these words.He says- 'Do your work sincerely and then let the God toss the coin' and if you are truthful, every problem of your life will vanish, every adversity will change to fortune, every wrong will become the right.
We , his students, ask him a lot many of times, sir when everything around from ideals to efforts is dipped in the contaminated waters, what else should we do except getting frustrated. And he tells us just one thing- 'God always tosses the coin, but if you want to secure your play, make sure you follow truth without conditions, without questions, and that's when you make God helpless, that's when the coins don't get tossed, that's when the outcome of the play is just one- YOU WIN'.
All I can say is, everyone in the world tries to be truthful, teaches to be truthful, but there are just a few who practice it, fewer who make others practice it, but just one, you,  who can make it embedded in our minds so hard, that before lying to anyone in the word, we will remember - "Akash sir said- never lie, truth makes us win.". And then, we will turn around , to face the world, with courage, energy , enthusiasm, and truth that you inculcated in us, and that day , like today, like always- "WE WILL BE PROUD TO BE YOUR STUDENTS"

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